Retired Cats |
These are the cats that have been in our program over the years and contributed to the pedigrees of the cats we have now in many we thought it nice to still be able to see them on our site. |
Katie•Monkey•Aziza•Kiki•Kashka•Karamu•Thandi•Nadiya•Maddie•Bobo•Coco•• |
Katie We really love Katie's look, she embodies a lot of the traits we wish to carry down the generations to the SBT Savannah one day! Katie's pedigree is more complicated than most F3s, because she is 46% serval not 12.5% like a "standard" F3 generation cat. Click here to see an explanation of how Katie can be F3 but so high in serval %. Katie is very tall and very golden with amazing black spots, she has wonderful ears, a great face shape from both front and side (due to her wonderful profile and shallow chin), and she is so naughty while loving every person she's ever met; we simply adore her! We think her kittens are stunning; you can view them on the previous kittens page. Katie is an A-registered F3 with a Bengal mother, and although this is a non-permissable outcross, we feel that her type more than compensates for this! Katie has been spayed and lives with a good friend of ours very close by so we can visit! |
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Monkey Monkey was the second girl to be born here. She is Katie's first daughter and was anxiously anticipated. Monkey is a B-registered high percentage F4 ( 24.5% Serval). If you want to know how she can be 4th generation and the Serval % equivalent to an F2, read about her mother Katie in the description (our Cat Family). Monkey has many breeds in her background (Bengal, Serengeti, Egyptian Mau, Oriental Shorthair). Monkey has a wonderful face, long legs, and the inkiest black spots. She has her mother's playful but affectionate personality, which resulted in her sailing through a year of showing like a complete dignified princess. Monkey has been spayed and lives in a wonderful pet home with her younger sister Shiny Monster. |
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Maddie Maddie is Monkey's and Kashka's daughter . Maddie is a high percentage F5, her Serval % is ~14% which makes her equivalent to most F3 SVs not F5s. Maddie developed nicely, she has long legs, a lovely body and very black spots on a pale background. Her ears are large, nicely shaped and set upright. Her eyes are nicely hooded, and her face shape triangular. Her tail is nice and thick and not too long. She is very affectionate, outgoing and playful – the perfect Savannah :-) Unfortunately for us, Maddie did not wish to be a mama cat, and we came to accept that she would be much better as a pet for some lucky household. We miss Maddie greatly though! Maddie's name is Amadi Binah, but originally her name was derived from her crazy behavior from the moment she opened her eyes. She was "mad" as a march hare, so became Maddie from that. Then I discovered the Nigerian name Amadi and so we used that, Amadi means general rejoicing. Binah means dancer to reflect her sailing through the air after a wand toy. |
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Aziza Aziza was the baby sister to Missy, with the same parents. . Z was an F1 with a slightly higher Serval % as her mother is also a Savannah.We were so delighted to have her join us, she sas so similar to Missy in so many ways it is like having her doppelganger come to stay! Aziza had huge ears set high on her head, lovely face shape with a long graceful neck leading to a leggy athletic body with wonderful spot pattern. She grew into such a tall graceful young lady and we were so excited by the prospect of babies from her. But that was not meant to be. Z succumbed to dry FIP, a cruel and seemingly random disease arising from a combination of a mutation in a benign coronavirus to a deadly form, and an aberrant response of the immune system to infection by this virus. At this time, there is no cure... please visit to learn more and donate to research to hopefully one day find a way to treat or prevent this disease. |
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Kiki Kiki is the last daughter of our beloved Karamu, who is now the spayed Queen of a pet household. Kiki is the daughter of Karamu (F2A)and Kashka (F5B). Mu had insanely large ears as a kitten, and Kiki is continuing that tradition. Kiki is developing very nicely, she has huge ears that are very upright, she has lovely flattening to her upper eyelid and a triangular-shaped head. She has a nice straight profile and an elegant neck. Her legs are long and her body is lean with a gorgeous lemony-gold background to her dark spots. She is outgoing, friendly, and relaxed (except when there is a toy being swished about!) and has been charming to judges at cat shows until retired when the Savannah was advanced to ANB level. After two wonderful litters, Kiki has been spayed and placed in a pet household with one of her eldest sons. |
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Kashka Kashka is a B-registered F5, which means both mother and father are SVs. He has many domestic breeds in his background (Serengeti, Domestic Shorthair, Egyptian Mau, Bengal). He has outstanding type for his generation and has the coveted black nose. His spots are absolutely black too. He has grown well and is a lovely, leggy substantial boy now and still super-sweet and loving. His name is Nigerian and means "friendly" which describes Kashka very well. He loves people and animals and is extremely playful. We adore him, he's got the best of personalities. Kashka has produced many amazing kittens – with great ears and ear set, straight profiles, and angular faces, and wonderful contrast. Additionally, they all seem to inherit his friendly outgoing nature that we love so much. Kash has been neutered and retired to a loving pet home. |
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Joykatz Karamu Itefayo of Kirembo Karamu is one of my all-time favorite cats, she was our very first breeding cat and I still think we made a really good choice. Not only did she have wonderful type but her personality is amazing, she is such a clown but also loving and gentle. It was amazingly hard to make the decision to let her leave her as a cherished pet, but knowing she was going to a great home that already had one of her grown sons made it easier. Her new owners have given us updates over the years since and that also makes it easier, although I cry every time. Karamu has insanely big and tall ears, and these have carried down the generations which has been so pleasing to us. She has a lovely face shape and leggy lean body. She makes amazing jumps and backflips as you can see on her page... |
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Thandi Thandi is the daughter of Kiki (see above) and Rocco. We think it wonderful that although neither parent has a black nose, both grandfathers do and thus Thandi inherited it. Thandi has the very large upright ears of her mother and maternal grandmother, as well as a great head shape. It's wonderful to see that carry down the line, as well as the very long legs and the athletic body. Thandi has a wonderfully happy personality, she has enjoyed going to shows with me and meeting people. She also enjoys doing backflips after a feather wand toy and fetching them back if I throw them. Thandi's name is Thandiwe Zahra. Thandiwe means loving which most definitely Thandi is, and Zahra means blossom Thandi has gone to live with Joyce at Mirage of the Wild cattery in AZ. |
Nadiya Nadiya is the daughter of Kiki (see retired cats) and Mmaneo, an F5 SBT male that I bred in partnership with Gattobello Savannahs. We think it wonderful that although neither parent has a black nose, both sides of the pedigree have black-nosed cats and thus Nadiya inherited it, like her big sister Thandi did. Nadiya's ears were over-groomed by her mama and it took some months for them to heal, and the hair never grew back on them giving her ears a curious appearance. Fortunately, she did not show any tendency to grooming her first kitten's ears. She inherited her mother and grandmother's big ears and has wonderfully deepset eyes that look very exotic along with her black nose. Nadiya also has fabulous contrast and a thick tail . |
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Like all the progeny of Karamu and her grandkids, Nadiya is quite the athlete doing backflips and jumping up to places you wouldn't expect from a normal kitty. She definitely prefers the highest position in any room, and amazes us regularly with where she's managed to get to. Nadiya's full name is Nadiya Zahra, Nadiya means generous in Swahili to represent her wonderful happy nature, and Zahra means blossom which she shares with her sister Thandi. Nadiya has been an amazing mama cat for us, her kittens are so gorgeous but also so sweet and loving... but we have decided she deserves retirement. Nadiya was recently spayed and is now looking for the right pet home that will play with her as much as she wishes. |
Essie Essie came to us as an adult proven female. We were hoping to produce some lovely fertile males with her and Kashka, and certainly the first litter here has seen that. We were very pleased with what she and Kash produced together. Unfortunately, Kash experienced some fertility issues after that first litter so that was all we obtained from them as a pair. Essie is a lower generation Savannah, so not nearly as flashy as some of the others here. She is a good tall girl with great boning and musculature. Her face is very nice in shape, with a good broad nose and hooding to her eyes. She's very sweet and loving but always willing to play with a wand toy too! Essie has now gone to Jo-martin and Craig of Tiamo Savannahs in MO, where she is producing some lovely babies with Kashka's son Petey now! |
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Bobo Bobo is my special baby. He was our first Savannah, and the one that enthused us so much that we decided to breed them! As he is an F2 male, he is sterile and was neutered early. Unfortunately, he has a heart condition (mitral valve dysplasia). This condition is not hereditary nor a breed issue, and obviously we feel confident about this as we continued our association with this breed! Bobo has had outstanding veterinary care, to the point he was taking an experimental heart medication that has shown great success in dogs but not cats and was doing fabulous. He's gone from wavering between congestive heart failure and kidney failure to being able to decrease his other medications because of this. Bobo has more energy and playfulness since… we couldn't be happier for our miracle boy! I cannot stress enough the importance of seeking good specialist advice, and then being careful to regularly medicate and not miss doses as well as get regular checks to make sure your cat is doing well on those medications. Recently Bobo showed signs of early kidney failure from the nine years of taking diuretics for his heart defect. He refused all prescription diets but we have found removing kibble from the house has stabilized his kidney values, and he is doing great still! Our Miracle Kitty! To our shock, Bobo started failing in July, 2013...NOT from his heart condition nor from the kidney failure associated with his heart medications... Bobo developed an odd throat tumor that was choking him, further testing showed spread to other parts of his body and we made the painful decision to let Bobo go peacefully. We will miss our sweet, soft Bobo..there is no replacement for such a big personality. Click here to see more pics of Bobo
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Coco Coco is a B-registered high percentage F4 ( 24.5% Serval), so really a "virtual F2". Her mother is Katie (see Retired Cats) and father is Rocco (Summerwood Roccolittieri, See Studs page), an F5C stud male we coown with Kristine Alessio at Gattobello Savannahs. Coco has many breeds in her background (Bengal, Serengeti, Egyptian Mau, Oriental Shorthair). Coco is the last kitten that Katie had for us, and was the only kitten she has produced that got her very golden coloring, we just had to keep this special girl. Coco has lovely upright ears, good eyes and a puffy nose in a wonderfully triangular face. She's growing well and we look forward to seeing how she continues to develop for us. |
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Coco's full name is Akoko Yewande. Akoko means "noisemaker" because she makes the funniest squeals and noises when grumbling or wanting to be put down... Yewande means "mother has returned", she was named this not only because her coloring and looks are so similar to her mother Katie (see Retired Cat page), but to remember that while Katie was pregnant with Coco and her brother Kody she escaped the home she was in (being bred to Rocco down in San Diego) and was missing for two very long and traumatic weeks. We were so thankful to get Katie back safely and joyful that she remained pregnant and gave us Coco to treasure.. Coco has gone to a pet home, where she can get more attention and a quieter household which suits her needs more. We miss her silly crazy antics but know she is well-loved in her new home.